2020 is going to be an amazing year. I’ve been saying this to everyone because I firmly believe it. I’m confidant in who I am and the blessings God has in store for me. I’m mindful of my thoughts and the power they have to influence my decisions, and I’m not playing small.
For the past few months, I’ve been spending more time in
devotion reading the Bible, watching sermons and listening to podcasts. One
recurring message through all those activities is that we were created to live
to our full potential and our potential requires us to live boldly. That means
we need to be specific about what we want and ask for it (and not the bare
minimum) when speaking to people and praying to God. We also need to dream bigger. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re just surviving and living paycheck to paycheck (not including the emergency fund in your savings account you may have stacked up over the years) because you’re praying small and safe prayers and not reaching and striving for more in your personal and professional life? God wants us to thrive. Thriving doesn’t merely come from asking God to enlarge our territory (1 Chronicles 4:10) or for wishing for more. It comes by doing the work. That work may be inconvenient and uncomfortable at times, but if we want better and different for ourselves, we have to operate differently.
In 2019, I spent half my year (from January till June)
struggling with confidence after the birth of my son, but that will not be my
story this year! Depression and imposter syndrome almost got the best of me,
but God came through as He always does. I forgot who I was while I was
depressed. Negative thoughts about myself permeated my mind and I allowed them to
control me, which led to me thinking and playing small at times. I’m not the
same person I was in January of 2019. From June to December of 2019 I spent a
lot of time in therapy, meditation with God, and did the inner self-work
therapist love to talk about! God used 2019 to build a stronger, wiser, smarter
and more resilient me. I have grown, my mindset has evolved and I will not
tolerate nonsense from myself or anyone who has or wants access to me.
Over the last few months I took the steps and
did the work to become a better version of myself and I want us all to be the
best versions of ourselves we can be. We were not created to shrink or play
small, so let's not shrink ourselves in 2020 and beyond. We owe it to ourselves
and God to strive for greater and thrive!