Dress- Lord and Taylor
Shoes-Nine West
Hey everyone! I hope you had a fabulous weekend! My weekend was quite good! These past few weeks have been draining with final papers and projects. However, I got some great news last week (will share later) that totally brightened my week. I wore this dress to church on Saturday and it was perfect for the weather (unfortunately, I didn't get to take any pictures outside)! I actually found it in Lord & Taylor a few months ago and my mother treated me to it (mom, you';re the best).
I've been wearing my hair in a lot of protective styles lately because of my busy schedule. However, this week should be a little less hectic for me so I'm letting my hair out this week! I'm wearing my hair in a Bantu-knot out done on blown-out hair. How did I achieve this hairstyle? 1) washed and conditioned 2) applied coconut oil and shea butter mixture to length of hair 3) detangled and twisted sections of hair 4) untwisted and blow dried each section 5) applied Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp and Tamanu Grow & Strengthen Herbal Custard to each section and re-twisted hair 6) Bantu knotted each twist 7) unraveled twist the next morning (about 6 hours later) 8) separated hair
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