Photographer-RaeAnn Walters
Dress-JC Penny | Coat-Asos | Shoes-Nine West
I've always been attracted to vibrant colors as much as I am drawn to black. I guess that's why I loved this dress at first sight. The colors are fun and for some reason it reminds me of candy. I was freezing and nearly blinded by the sun while taking these pictures, hence why I look cold and have on my sunglasses in every picture. Wouldn't it be nice if life was always sweet as candy and everything went our way? We can't control the obstacles and elements life throws at us but we chose how we react and live through the circumstances of life. Sometimes the discomforts of life will make us squirm and leave us feeling annoyed and powerless. We won't always be excited about tackling the challenges of the day or dealing with surprises or disrespectful weather. However, we're on this earth to live, learn, and grow. The uncomfortable sour moments make us appreciate the sweet moments of life so much more. So the next time you're forced to endure with the not so sweet elements of life, decide on how you're going to tackle the situation and do so with grace. You have the power to turn something sour into something amazingly sweet. Trust me, I've done it before with God on my side.
Tips on how to make something sweet when dealing with a sour situation:
1. Stop complaining. Have you ever noticed that complaining doesn't release your burdens? Sure you can lament about your sorrows and how much your life sucks but that won't tae your burdens away.
2. Express gratitude. No matter how many things are going wrong, something is going right. You're alive. You can see, smell hear-all your senses are in tact. Be grateful for all the blessings in your life.
3. Pray. Ask God to give you the strength to get through your situation. Working your way through a struggles and learning along the way will mold you into a better and stronger person.
5. Take all the sour sour lemons life has handed you and make sweet lemonade!
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