Travel Recap: Tobago Day 4

Dress-Lord & Taylor
Shoes-Me Too via Marshall's

I spent my last afternoon in Tobago at the Botanical Gardens. As you can see in the pictures, the ground was extremely dry. This is because Tobago's six month dry season just ended. I can only imagine how lush and beautiful the garden must look during the height of the rainy season. Despite the dryness of the garden, I still enjoyed the surroundings. The garden is home to mango, palm, coconut, and other fruit trees, along with various plants. I decided to wear a loose fitting dress as the weather was extremely hot that day.  My trips to the beach and waterfall eventually took a toll on my hair, which resulted in my head wrap. My head wrap consisted of two scarves from H&M. Following the trip to the garden, my boyfriend and I spent some time with his friends. 

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