I loved everything about London from its diversity of people, foods, and cultures, to its sights. I only spent two days in the city, so I didn't get to explore everything, but I did get to see quite a bit of Westminster. My father (My travel buddy and the man who made my trip possible. Thanks dad!) and I decided to spend a few hours exploring Westminster the day before we flew home. We also visted some family during our first two days in England. Westminster is home to the famous Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye (all pictured above), and many other sites. Westminster also has some of the most beautiful architecture I have seen, then again, I think it's safe to say that Europe is known for its beautiful architecture so that's probably not surprising. Unfortunately, I didn't get to say hello to the queen (maybe on my next visit, haha), but I did see her house (Buckingham Palace) and admired the highly disciplined guards.
The most exciting part of my trip was witnessing in person all the buildings and structures that I read about and saw pictures of as a child. I was also happy to spend time with my dad doing one of our favorite pastimes, being globetrotters. My father and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things but one thing we both agree on is seeing the world. Travel not only allows you to experience new cultures and gaze at beautiful sites, it also gives you perspective. Every time, I visit a country, I'm able to to learn new things and see the world in a different way. Visiting England with my father as well as other countries has also reminded me how blessed I am. Travelling abroad can be very expensive, and I'm blessed that my father has funded most of those trips so that I could have the best experience possible. Together, we have ventured to Spain, Morocco, Ireland, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Italy, China, and now we can add England to the list. I have also traveled to the Bahamas, Aruba, Panama, and Mexico without my father. As I'm starting my first full time job after college in a week and a half, I don't know the next time I'll be able to travel with my father. However, it is my hope that we can see more of the world together and continue to make memories. If you ever get the opportunity to travel abroad, do it! It'll be an experience you will never forget. Also, remember that travelling abroad does not have to be expensive. There are many websites and airlines that offer cheap plane accommodations. I hope this post has inspired you to see the world!
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